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The public bus is the company “Transportes San Carlos” located is Street 14, Fifth avenue, and buses leave everyday from San José yo La Fortuna. Ticket prices: $6.00.

Bus schedule: San José departures at 6:15 am, 8:40 am and 11:30 am.

Phone number: (506)+ 2255-4318 / 2255-4300 / 2255-0567 / 2460-5032 / 2460-5064

When you arrives to La Fortuna you can take a taxi, and give our address, no problem because all the taxis are familiar with our hotel.

Route by San Ramón (Cloud Forest): This route is the fastest and with less transit; it has a lot of turns because you will drive across the Cloud Forest. It is also a very lonely way, so is not recommended to drive it at night.


You must take the Pan-American highway passing the Juan Santamaría International Airport following the route with destiny to the pacific coast, looking for the indication of San Ramón, where you have to take the Right 1 Km.


After crossing San Ramón follow the road and pass also the town of Bajo Rodríguez, this trip takes about one hour and a half. Then you have to continue and also pass the towns of La Tigra, Chachagua and the last 12 Km. Until get to La Fortuna.

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