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 Certification for Sustainable Tourism

 Since 2013 we have level 4 of Certificate for Sustainable Tourism Program (CST) It is a program of the Costa Rican Tourism Institute (ICT in spanish), designed to differentiate tourism companies according to the degree to which its operation aproaching to a model of sustainability, in the management of natural, cultural and socioeconomic resources.  


Cultural contribution

Hotel Campo Verde has taken on a commitment to protect the historical and cultural heritage. So, we do not participate in the sale, trafficking and exhibition of archaeological objects, but in the protection of local values and cultures as well as to support initiatives of conservation and development



Consequently, offer activities that have among their objectives to publicize the Costa Rican culture is a priority as the preparation of typical meals, visits to indigenous populations, sale of handicrafts, traditional dances, etc., have allowed local development, as they are the livelihood of many families in the area.

Also, we like to encourage visitation to local attractions like the waterfall of Fortuna, the protected area Arenal Volcano National Park, main natural attractions in the area.

Environmental policies

Part of our commitment to the environment is to reduce and avoid unnecessary expenditure of resources, which is why we strive to disseminate this commitment through our partners and customers, therefore we offer the following guide behavior, with the desire to share with you the intention of preserving the biodiversity of our ecosystem.

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Socio-economic support

A strong commitment to the company is the rejection of the exploitation of human beings in any form, particularly sexual, especially when applied to minors, therefore, as company policy the contract is canceled with companies or people that somehow contribute, facilitate, promote or tolerate Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents.


           Since 2012, we signed to the Code of Conduct which is a program that seeks to acquire companies committed against sexual comercial exploitation of children and teens, including offering tourist services companies

We have also made a commitment to the School San Gregado located in La Fortuna de San Carlos, from 2011 to present. The Hotel Campo Verde has mentored students at this school by donating teaching materials, gifts for Christmas and materials for the traditional celebration of the joy of children at the end of the school year, also part of the commitment is environmental education to the students.

100% of our staff is the area and its surroundings, that is, we are a source of jobs for the town of La Fortuna.

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